So, one of my best friends and favorite designers, Caleb Everitt, flew in from New York last week. We've been filling the time with parties, food, single-speeding, and in-depth conversations about design, bikes, and life. He's the last of our little design-crew that's still in NYC, so we all can't wait until he moves back to town someday.
I spent Christmas in Rockport, Texas with the fam and was greeted with my nephew, River, peering down at me as I stood next to him. He's 12! I am officially NOT the biggest person in the family anymore. (sad face) I have no idea what my sister is feeding him.
I snuck out for a ride in the morning fog. Normally, the gulf coast's wind averages about 20mph, but on this foggy Christmas day, it was 0. I left Rockport and headed South towards Ingleside, but decided to change mid-route and head East to Port Aransas. The roads down there are as flat as the sea and really straight, so it didn't make for the most exciting rides, but the fog was pretty cool in some places. It's also not very often that the water is perfectly still—made for some cool pictures.