Last Saturday Capital City BMX held a fundraiser at Alamo Drafthouse Lake Creek to help with the expenses of their brand new track out on FM 620. The festivities consisted of the movie "RAD", intermission in the parking lot with bunnyhop and footdown contests, and lastly the documentary "Joe Kid on a Stingray". The showing of "RAD" might as well have been a quote-along as every dude that was 25 or older knew all the key moments and the lyrics to every song.
Last week I flew to the most bike-friendly town in the US and got to experience what it's like to ride in the cold rain every day. One of my best friends, Jordan of Hufnagel Cycles ( put me up for a week and fed me vegan food about every 2 or 3 hours. It was so much fun just hanging out eating all the time. We had one tourist-style day and drove out to the Columbia River Gorge to check out the water falls and the spawning Salmon.
Portland was great, but it's nice to back in TX where it's warm and dry.